Who We Are
La Salette Laity consists of men and women inspired by the Apparition of Our Lady of La Salette with a desire to grow in holiness and make Our Lady's message known. La Salette Laity are in over twenty-five countries around the world. We are committed to learning and sharing Our Lady’s message and applying this message in our daily lives. We participate in ongoing formation, living and ministering as co-missionaries, sharing the charism of
La Salette. We are Catholic laity, eighteen years of age or older, who are involved in ministry at a La Salette Shrine, parish or other setting.

La Salette Associates
What makes us different? We are la Salette Laity!
The truth is we are ordinary people, lay people, who have answered a call to bond ourselves more closely with the La Salette religious to bring the message of La Salette to all people. We believe we are responding to a call to learn more, to pray well, and to serve, together and individually, in our families, our work and in our everyday lives. This is our vocation.
We answered the call and we joined a group of similar minded people on a journey inspired and guided by the event and the message of Our Lady of La Salette. We have a formal Formation Program to help interested people know more about La Salette spirituality, personal spirituality, ministry and community building. We make a promise, a commitment, we put it in writing in the form of a covenant, and we renew this covenant every year, to be part of the La Salette family along with the professed community. This is a commitment to study, learn, work, pray, play, and make an annual retreat together as we journey and enhance our own spirituality.
We are located in:
Attleboro, Massachusetts
Enfield, New Hampshire;
Lakes Region, New Hampshire
New Bedford, Massachusetts
St. Louis, Missouri
For more information, please contact Maureen Daniels, Co-Director of the La Salette Associate program, maureen.daniels1725@gmail.com.