Prayers & Resources
Our Lady of La Salette, Reconciler of Sinners,
Pray without ceasing
for us who have recourse to you.

La Salette Laity Prayer
Loving and merciful God,
be with us as we continue on our path of
learning and sharing the message of
Our Lady of La Salette and help us to
apply this message in our daily lives.
Help us to see our relationships
through the eyes of Our Weeping Mother at La Salette. Help us to live out our ministries of service in the reconciling love of Her Son, Jesus Crucified. Help us to say our prayers well
as instructed by the Beautiful Lady at La Salette.
Memorare to Our Lady of La Salette
Remember, Our Lady of La Salette,
true Mother of Sorrows,
the tears you shed for us on Calvary.
Remember also the care you have taken
to keep us faithful to Christ, your Son.
Having done so much for your children,
you will not now abandon us.
Comforted by this consoling thought,
we come to you pleading,
despite our infidelities and ingratitude.
Virgin of Reconciliation,
do not reject our prayers, but intercede for us,
obtain for us the grace
to love Jesus above all else.
May we console you by a holy life
and so come to share the eternal life
Christ gained by his cross.

A Prayer for Vocations
God our Father, we give you thanks for calling us to embrace the gift of life and to share it. As once, through Jesus the Christ, you chose the first disciples to proclaim the Good News, and poured out your Spirit upon the Church, renew us now in our vocation and our mission of reconciliation; let the same call echo in the heart of many young persons, that they may generously respond to the needs of our brothers and sisters, after the example of Mary, the Beautiful Lady of
La Salette; inspire in men and women of our time the desire to be “light” and “salt” in the Church and the world.
Dedication to Our Lady of La Salette
Most holy Mother, Our Lady of La Salette,
who for love of me shed such bitter tears
in your merciful apparition,
look down with kindness upon me,
as I consecrate myself to you without reserve.
From this day, my glory shall be to know
that I am your child.
May I so live as to dry your tears
and console your afflicted heart.
Beloved Mother, to you
and to your blessed charge and sacred keeping
and into the bosom of your mercy,
for this day and for every day,
and for the hour of my death
I commend myself, body and soul,
every hope and every joy,
every trouble and every sorrow,
my life and my life's end.
O dearest Mother, enlighten by understanding,
direct my steps,
console me by your maternal protection,
so that exempt from all error,
sheltered from every danger of sin,
I may, with ardor and invincible courage,
walk in the paths traced out for me
by you and your Son.