History of La Salette in the USA

The Blessed Mother appeared to two shepherd children at La Salette, a small hamlet in the French Alps on September 19, 1846. Through the children, she gave her message of Reconciliation to the world. She requested that this message be made known to all her people. To continue her message, in 1852, the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette was founded to serve as a "perpetual remembrance of Mary's merciful apparition". These priests cared for the numerous pilgrims frequenting the mountain. In 1858, these priests formed a small community with temporary compositions, under the immediate charge of the Bishop of Grenoble, France. In 1876, Right Reverend Monsignor Fava provided them with more complete Rule of Life and in 1890, the institution was approved by the Vatican. The Missionaries of La Salette is the only religious order based on an apparition of Mary.
In 1892, two missionaries from France arrived in the United States, with fifteen students, to explore growth in
North America. They ultimately settled in Hartford, Connecticut. Since then, their presence in the United States presence has flourished nationwide. The Province of Mary, Mother of the Americas was established in the United States as an apostolic, religious community, uniting their four provinces. Inspired by the event of La Salette and supported by community life, La Salette Missionaries are strengthened by the Eucharist, prayer and faith sharing.
Looking at Mary as a model,
La Salettes discern new opportunities to make known Her message of hope and reconciliation, united with the gifts and talents of the La Salette Laity. The Missionaries of La Salette is an international religious community of priests, brothers, and sisters, through the years serving in over thirty countries.