Laity News
Dear brothers and sisters,
It is my joy to welcome you to pray, learn and serve with Missionaries of La Salette. From the event of the Apparition on September 19, 1846, to this day, the laity has been an integral part of the message, mission, and ministry of La Salette. Each of us is called personally – like Maximin and Mélanie – to share in that special mission to make Mary’s message of reconciliation known to everyone. And we can be assured that we are dearly loved and accepted by our Weeping Mother as Maximin and Mélanie were.

At La Salette, Mary invites her children, through Maximin and Melanie, to turn from our wayward paths and to return to her Son, Jesus Christ. Following her invitation, La Salette laity prays daily, reflects on the scripture and her message, and makes her message known through service to others.
I welcome you to inquire to learn more about La Salette laity and be part of our beautiful
La Salette family.
In Jesus and Mary,
Very. Rev. William V. Kaliyadan, M.S.
Provincial Superior